Why not persue both? (Was RE: XML)

Jordan Christensen (jordan.christensen nospam at bowneinternet.com)
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 13:33:35 -0500

I think we may be getting ahead of ourselves here. We do need to set
certain priorities as to what we want to do. Kyle has already mentioned
that we need to put some serious design into this, and I think everyone
agrees with that. In the mean time, we are without a free database.

Wouldn't it be worthwhile to support the efforts of the cdindex project,
if not only to build up a new database? While that is progressing, the
members of this list and the freecddb list can brainstorm on the best way
to proceed. Whether we end up using a CDDB-style output, or an XML based
one, or what ever, is largely irrelevant. In the end, they are just
presentation formats.

Yes, the current system leaves a great deal to be desired. It only
supports very simple input formats, isn't very extensible, etc... The
MySQL DB backend probably isn't anymore complicated. On the other hand,
isn't it a good idea to begin building up the database?

- J.C.

"Gary D. Foster" wrote:

> >>>>> "MO" == Mike Oliphant <oliphant nospam at ling.ed.ac.uk> writes:
> MO> Why XML? Let's be realistic here. 99% of users are going to
> MO> just want disc title, artist, and track names. Not to mention
> MO> that I don't want to have to write a stack-based parser just
> MO> to be able to do disc lookup.
> I'm sort of with Mike here on this one. While XML is sexy and cool
> and you could do all sorts of nifty things with it, it's far better to
> have a quick, fast, easy to understand and easy to parse format. Such
> a format would _encourage_ developers to adopt the new DB code instead
> of the old cddb stuff.
> If you're going to go with XML, be prepared to offer precoded engines
> to everyone that they can just link in to their player code with a
> simple set of API's.
> On second thought, that's not too bad of an idea. You could supply a
> reference library (for _everyone_, not just the unix-heads in the
> crowd) that used a standardized API and provided a precoded parser.
> Ok, granted, I have only been on this list for about 5 minutes and I'm
> not sure what's passed by yet (a bunch, based on the traffic I've
> gotten in the last 5 minutes) so I might just want to shut up and
> watch for a few more minutes. I think it might be a good idea,
> though, if someone were to summarize the status thus far and put it up
> on a web page somewhere so us newcomers could get up to speed.
> -- Gary F.
> --
> "...Unix doesn't have a monopoly on good ideas, it just owns most of
> them."
> -- Alan Cox, "A Brave New World"