Re: Distributed Data

Ian Clarke (I.Clarke nospam at
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 19:36:24 +0000

Justin R. Erenkrantz wrote:
> What about instead of USENET, have something built in to the server to spit
> back submissions since X/Y/ZZZZ?? If you have proper priviliges or if you
> submitted the initial entry, you can then modify the entry at will.

I would be somewhat concerned about people abusing this system. Say
someone registers a popular new CD as soon as it comes out, and then
instead of filling the database entry in correctly, uses it to advertise
a product or website?

In the initial discussions I suggested that the first person to submit a
CD entry has their email address stored. If someone else attempts to
change this entry then the first person gets sent an email and is
invited to reject the new entry if it is not serious. A person can also
elect to resign as the "guardian" of particular database entries.


Ian Clarke                           
       "A subversive is anyone who can out-argue their government"