Re: Reality Check and Ideas

Alan Cox (alan nospam at
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 19:42:10 -0500 (EST)

> - incremental replication of the whole database

Split the zone files. You notice I had not aabbccdd. - thats
how the domain works and it replicates fine.

> - submission of entries

I dont claim DNS does this. I claim NNTP does not because it doesn't solve
the case where through partial connectivity and the fact its too slow to
search the entire history for all time for missing entries some people dont
get an entry. Nor does NNTP solve the case where two entries collide and
are submitted from different sites.

You want a central but relocatable sanity point. BTW - one thing that
did occur to me - we can use cddb quite legally and above board to sanity
check our submissions. Same key, doesnt look similar to the cddb entry - mark
as suspicious.

> - central authorities (so who's going to be the primary for some subspace?
> What if that server is temporarily unreachable?)

The other mirror servers cover it transparently. DNS does that for free

> NNTP solves all that. It lacks some way to ensure consistency after
> data loss at some site, though.

To me thats a long form of "doesnt work". Thats not to say it can't be made
too. NNTP doesnt solve the querying or query caching. Maybe you use an NNTP
like protocol to populate your DNS servers ?