Re: Free CDDB

Gary D. Foster (Gary.Foster nospam at Corp.Sun.COM)
10 Mar 1999 08:43:14 -0800

>>>>> "MO" == Mike Oliphant <oliphant nospam at> writes:

MO> I just had a quick look at the code for v1.3 of the cddbd
MO> server. Unfortunately, it seems that it pre-dates the use of
MO> the HTTP version of the protocol. This is now the primary
MO> access method to the CDDB (CDDBP is being phased out, as
MO> people behind firewalls could not use it) and many players
MO> will only support HTTP access.

So why don't we hack in HTTP support into it and use it in the
interim? I think HTTP support is pretty important, as I'm one of
those unfortunates stuck behind a firewall.

Send out a URL to the 1.3 release of the code and we can all rip it

-- Gary F.

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