Re: Using DNS examples

Jordan Christensen (jordan.christensen nospam at
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 16:04:02 -0500

"Justin R. Erenkrantz" wrote:

> Argh, SIGHUPs to the DNS servers. If you are adding lots of entries, isn't
> that a bit unrealistic - it'd always be down. I guess you could do a SIGHUP
> every 5-10 minutes or X number of entries, but yuck...

Who said that it would go down? A SIGHUP just tells the server that it should
reload its files, it doesn't tell it to stop responding to requests. Of course
sending it a SIGHUP ever 10ms is a bad idea, but entries don't come in that
often. The actual strategy of updating the server would probably be smarter than
smacking in entries and HUP'ing the server. Even if the server was busy
reloading, secondaries will still answer queries.

> One other issue and this is related to the TTL - assume that I do a query
> for a CD and it comes up blank. I add the record in to the DB (however it
> is done) and then I requery for that same cd - somewhere along the line a
> DNS server will remember that it saw a failure and say, "Nope, it's not
> there." Of course, we could adjust TTL, but that loses some of the power of
> DNS - its caching. Unless we make the TTL exactly equivalent to the
> server's refresh rate??

This isn't a real time system we're talking about. When you submit the CD entry,
it doesn't necessarily get updated immediately. In practice, these kind of
conditions happen but they aren't serious problems. The existing DNS
infrastructure already deals with these kind of issues.

> I took a quick look at Windows Sockets code and I can't find anything
> related to obtaining other DNS record types, but I'm sure it is there (so
> we'll forgo the discussion of whether Win32 can easily obtain the alternate
> DNS records).

I'm sure there is a resolver library for Win32 somewhere.
