Re: [DB] Summary of Current Suggestions

Martin Nilsson (martin.nilsson nospam at
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 23:24:24 +0100

"Schuetz, David" wrote:
> Okay, here's my first summary of DB-related postings. Lots of ideas
> floating around there. I'll follow-up shortly with a more formal posting
> that could/should lead to proposals/specs.
> [in no particular order:]
> ** Ragnar Kjørstad sugested that the DB resolve down to song titles, for
> same-song on diff-cd support. Martin Nilsson suggests something similar,
> even suggesting we use the ISRC encoded on some CDs for song identification.
> I'm afraid that some/many/most CDs won't have reliable ISRC information, or
> that not all players could get to it, so that'd be out. I'm really afraid
> that this kind of relational approach, while really cool and great if you're
> doing an "Internet Movie Database" approach to CDs, wouldn't be practical
> when you've got fairly dumb, non-interactive clients shoving new data at a
> server.

If you want to scale up the system to include MP3 files you have to have
the ability to store individual songs. You could have three different
kinds of song IDs. One is the ISRC, one is the TOC-hash and the track
number and one is a new ID that one assigns individual submissions (like
MP3 files).

> ** Conflict resolution -- I'm inclined to stay with "Latest Entry Wins,"
> simply for simplicity. Could we maybe have a "confidence" measure that
> could be clicked, and when enough people say "yeah, that looks right," the
> record is frozen, and re-submissions get bounced to some "authority" for
> resolution? Like I said, "last entry wins" is a lot easier. At any rate,
> this isn't a DB issue.

Should it be possible for the music publisher to submit an official
entry that can not be changed?

/Martin Nilsson - "We predict the future. The best way to predict the
future is to invent it."