Re: Disc ID Calculation

Jeremy Hylton (jeremy nospam at
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 16:04:12 -0500 (EST)

[Summarizing conversation so far: MP3 files should have an ID that can
be cross-referenced with databases of contains album and song metadata.]

>>>>> "RK" == robert <robert nospam at> writes:

RK> I've been wanting to do just that for quite some time. I want to
RK> have a system where MP3 players are aware of the id in the ID3
RK> tag and if they find one embedded in the MP3, it highlights the
RK> info button. One click of the info button and it goes to look up
RK> the artist/album/track on the web page and starts displaying
RK> information.

Most of the tools I've been using (homegrown and mpg123 on Solaris)
are aware of the 128-byte tag (ID3 v1). The comment field is just
large enough to contain the 28-byte Disc Id and a 2-byte track number
(%02X). That's enough for me at the moment.

The ID3 v2 standard is bigger and more complex. A 30-byte disk+track
id is good enough for me because all of the metadata can be stored
separately and downloaded as needed. Of course, you can also hand
someone the 30-byte id and let them ask the database for the actual
