XML Support

robert nospam at moon.eorbit.net
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 16:20:16 -0800 (PST)

The CD Index now supports XML!

Many of you have spoken up to point out that XML is the way to do
things, and I totally agree. After a quick crash course in XML (that
SGML experience is actually coming in handy now!) I've created a
Document Type Definition that describes markup of an XML document for
the purpose of exchanging information about a CD.

XML will be used for Server to Server communication in error correction
and mirroring functions. Clients should also use XML to retrieve
information from the server, though the old method of retrieving
information will still be available.

For details, check out the website.

--ruaok Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- robert nospam at moon.eorbit.net http://moon.eorbit.net/~robert