Re: Future of CDDB replacement projects

robert nospam at
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 17:56:06 -0700 (PDT)

On 28 Apr, Nick Lamb wrote:
> It has been a month now since I took a serious interest in the effort to
> replace CDDB. The web sites, mailing lists etc. for all the major efforts
> have now become very quiet, perhaps dormant or in some cases dead. So now
> that the intial enthusiasm has died away -- what's really being done?
> This is being posted to all the mailing lists associated with replacing
> CDDB. There doesn't seem to be much communication between groups AFAIK
> so I hope this won't be duplicated for most readers...
> If you're actively developing (Not dreaming, not writing wish-lists) some
> contribution to this effort, please identify yourself and write me a quick
> two or three lines saying what you're working on, and when it will be
> available to the outside world in some form.

I just released the first cut at browserless submission along with
other bug fixes in the 0.3.0 release of the server source code for the
CD Index. Marc van Woerkom is in the process of checking in the source
to the client into CVS. Once that is complete, the client will have
support for Linux, Win32, FreeBSD and IRIX in one code base.

I will continue to work with browserless submission and then move on to
data replication between servers. I suspect that we'll have browserless
submission completed by the end of may and data replication sometime in

Marc and myself have been writing code to support the CD Index -- the
project continues to move forward, and we would love to see your
continued support.

--ruaok Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- robert nospam at