Library ideas

Stephen van Egmond (svanegmond nospam at
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 22:22:43 EDT

Hello, I've written up my comments on the CDIndex readme, as
well as vague gestures at an API which I am willing to render
into concrete headers.

The HTML (more readable) is at

The lynx-rendered version follows (text wrapping is OFF on this mail):

Current client requirements

bool ReadTOC(CDINDEX_DEVICE device,

void LaunchBrowser(char* browser,
char* url);

void Usage();

Client must also define OS and is forced to typedef CDINDEX_DEVICE to

Suggested naming scheme

1. Standard C library as described at
2. CDIndex_nocaps = type or enum
3. CDIndex_InterCaps = function name

Library stage 1 spec (per readme)

Comments on the readme:
> separated functionality for retrieving CD TOC information
> separated functionality for ID calculation

Why? These can be merged quite efficiently; it's not particularly
intensive to calculate a hash, and the TOC is useless to the cdindex
without the hash. As a bonus, that hash can be used in any
library-using applications for local caching.
> separated functionality for system identification ("the lib
> thinks it runs on foodows 2000")

I'm unclear who would be using this. Library platform-specific layer?
I can't see it being useful.

On to my proposal:

Platform layer changes:

LaunchBrowser() loses the "browser" parameter. Usage() eliminated.

bool parse_scsi_toc(uint8 *toc, int toc_length, bool uses_msf,

... to make life easier on those OSes that use SCSI TOCs to describe a
CD to an applications.

Platform-independent layer:

// Picks a new device for CD accesses.
bool CDIndex_SetPreferredDevice(CDINDEX_DEVICE device);

struct CDIndex_toc {
uint8 FirstTrack; // The first track on CD : normally 1
uint8 LastTrack; // The last track on CD: max number 99

uint16 FrameOffset[100]; // Track n is FrameOffset[n] etc.
// Leadout track will be TrackFrameOffset
uint8 hash[20];

// Fills out the TOC structure from the preferred device.
bool CDIndex_GetTOC(CDINDEX_toc &cdinfo_out);

// The result of this function must be freed; behaviour=obvious
char *CDIndex_GetPrintableHash(CDINDEX_toc &cdinfo, int &hash_length_ou

// Returns a URL that should describe the current CD.
// If "cdinfo" is null, it goes to the current CD in the drive.
// If "launch" = true, the browser will be launched, using the
// The result of this function must be freed.
char *CDIndex_GetURL(CDINDEX_toc *cdinfo, bool launch);

// This declares a preferred browser to the CDIndex library.
void CDIndex_SetPreferredBrowser(void (*CDIndex_LaunchURL)(char *url));

Library stage 2 spec:

Platform layer:
dex.html is used as a design reference.
CDIndex_Net_CONNECTION : platform-specific type

// Opens a network connection to a specific address:
// "" or "".
CDIndex_Net_CONNECTION CDIndex_Net_CreateConnection(char *where);

// Returns the number of bytes sent or -1 on error.
int CDIndex_Net_SendData(CDIndex_NetConnetion , uint8 *data, int data_l

// Returns the number of bytes read or -1 on error.
// 0 is a valid return value!
// May or may not block.
int CDIndex_Net_ReadData(CDIndex_NetConnection, uint8 *buffer, int buff

// Closes up a connection.
void CDIndex_Net_DisposeConnection(CDIndex_NetConnection *);

// Indicates the cause (in plain english) of the cause of the last erro
// The return value must be free()d.
char *CDIndex_Net_GetErrorState(CDIndex_NetConnection *);


struct CDIndex_track {
char *name;
char *artist;

struct CDIndex_description {
int track_count;

char *title;
char *author;

CDIndex_Track *track_list;

void CDIndex_DisposeDescription(CDIndex_description *);

// Gets a description for the given toc.
// If toc==null, use current CD.
CDIndex_description *CDIndex_GetDescription(CDIndex_toc *toc);

Note: All the work of getting actual XML is done
platform-independently. All the work of parsing the XML into a
description is too.

Issue: The cdindex server currently bounces you around with a bunch of
HTTP redirects when you approach it with the URL given out by the
client app. There needs to be a guaranteed shortcut through all this
nonsense. I'd recommend making a non-HTTP protocol to pipe requests to
the web server (for query and submission). This should really not be
hard, at most a half hour's time with perl.