Re: Classifying music samples (MP3/WAV/...)

Stephen van Egmond (svanegmond nospam at
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 11:11:57 EDT

>I notice that has an entry in its new database for
>beats-per-minute. I wonder if this number can be determined
>algorithmically by a similar technique to that being discussed for the
>classification of music? I'm thinking of something like FFT or
>analysis to produce energy vs time in various frequency bands,
>by a PLL to find the strongest repeat. This seems like it would be
>easier than the recognition thing and it doesn't have to run quickly.
>Somebody must have looked at this before. I can't see it being
>useful in itself, but it might be an easy first step towards more
>music analysis.

One could just.... type it in.
