[Fwd: BOUNCE cdindex nospam at freeamp.org: Admin request of type

Jason Dale Woodward (jdw nospam at goodnoise.com)
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 07:58:39 -0800

majordomo no like subs in the body of the message :)

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Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 08:13:46 -0800
From: owner-cdindex nospam at freeamp.org
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Subject: BOUNCE cdindex nospam at freeamp.org: Admin request of type
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>From owner-cdindex nospam at fatman.freeamp.org Tue Mar 9 08:13:45 1999
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Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 08:29:02 -0700
From: Matthew Mastracci <mmastrac nospam at ucalgary.ca>
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To: cdindex nospam at freeamp.org
Subject: Some suggestions for the protocol
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I apologize in advance if two copies of this message are getting sent --
I didn't _subscribe to the list properly the first time (I don't think
the link on the page works as it should), so I don't know if the message
got through.

BTW, I have a possible name suggestion for the new protocol: FreeDDB.

Here it is again:

The only really good thing about the CDDB protocol is that it allows a
disc which almost matches the ID to be picked out, just in case there
are multiple versions of a disc with different properties. I suggest
adding a few bytes to the request that represent the *raw* value of the

Total track time
Total number of tracks
Length of track 1
Length of last track

This way, you can track a disc from a different production run by doing
a search for a disc which has had a few of its identifying features
altered by simply picking each of the albums in the database which are
within +/- 2% or so of each of the above criteria (or even 3 or 4).

/\/\att /\/\astracci                            mmastrac nospam at ucalgary.ca

"The act of breaking into a computer system has to have the same social stigma as breaking into a neighbor's house. It should not matter that the neighbor's door is unlocked." [Ken Thompson, 1983 Turing Award Lecture]