Re: [cdin] Re: Distributed Data

Justus Pendleton (Justus.Pendleton nospam at
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 17:15:28 -0500

On Tue, Mar 09, 1999 at 01:14:50PM -0800, Greg Stein wrote:
> It looks like we can only have "write-once" entries. After that, then we
> probably need to rely on trusted editors.

Rather than having the idea of a "big" database that people submit and
query why not give everyone their own database? What I'm thinking is
something like this:

Everyone has a database. They can make whatever changes they want
to that database. Add new records, delete records, change fields, add
fields, whatever.

If you put in a disc that isn't in this primary database it starts
checking secondary databases. When it finds a match it simply adds
the record to your primary database. Since you get to select your
secondary databases we have some elements of the "web of trust" here
without all the public key stuff :-). Maybe I think my friend Rob has
a pretty good database of Japanese CDs so he'll be one of my
secondaries. And Jon has lots of classical so he'll be another. And
some guy at has tons as well so he'll be another.

Then there needs to be some way to sync databases. That way I can
"submit" new entries to other people and I can download in bulk.
Syncing would work more like a CVS merge than a plain old download.
That way I have full control (if I so desire) over everything.

This would seem to distribute responsibility for the system rather
than keeping it in the hands of a few. Everyone gets to be their own
moderator -- if they so desire. No personal data is kept anywhere.

So now point out all the flaws.... :-)

Justus Pendleton