Re: Reality Check and Ideas

Alan Cox (alan nospam at
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 18:21:07 -0500 (EST)

> Doing DNS is well, stupid :) There is little flexibility, how do you submit
> updates (another mechanisim will have to be built anways...) and a whole
> host of ther problems... Youch... Each DNS record contains ALL the fields,
> we'll be passing back gigs before we know it? With an http query different
> results could be returned (cover art or not etc...)

Wrong. Go and learn about DNS then come back with a clue

> lie ahead. Remeber, future flexibilty is key, simplicity is jey (plenty of
> people can host a cgi script for http lookups, how many can provide DNS
> servers, and all that entails?)

I wrote my DNS proof of concept in 2 minutes, and then spent 5 checking the
RFC legalities on TXT records

It works.