Re: Reality Check and Ideas

Andreas Bogk (andreas nospam at
10 Mar 1999 01:32:52 +0100

August Zajonc <augustz nospam at> writes:

> Uh oh... The KISS people are getting into the Second System Effect, just
> like the guy on the IT comittee here who suggested we throw out our fibre
> optic switched ethernet for cablemodems to some cable company somewhere...

Well, then obviously don't understand the SSE argument. The point is
to distinguish between introducing new technology because you can, and
introducing it because there are benefits in doing so.

> Folks, a db backend and an HTTP/XML frontend is not only not complicated, it
> is easy to implement for us programers... There are countless little widgets
> that can do http stuff for every development platform...

If there's a good reason to use XML, then let's do it. I don't see a
reason to invent a new database distribution protocol as long as NNTP
works for the purpose, though.

> we'll be passing back gigs before we know it? With an http query different
> results could be returned (cover art or not etc...)

There's also no reason not to have multiple protocols on top of a
common record format. A HTTP query definitely makes sense.

> lie ahead. Remeber, future flexibilty is key, simplicity is jey (plenty of
> people can host a cgi script for http lookups, how many can provide DNS

HTTP just doesn't scale so well, as proven by the slashdot effect, as
currently observable when you try to download the new Star Wars trailer.


"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. 
It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, 
the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. 
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion." -- National Lampoon's "Doon"