Re: Reality Check and Ideas

Andreas Bogk (andreas nospam at
10 Mar 1999 18:55:05 +0100

August Zajonc <augustz nospam at> writes:

> Flood fill using sanity checks for what purpose? Added complication (you
> need to code it all, make it x-platform) so that I get what? A proprietary

A distributed database without a central authority.

> DB on my system? No thanks... I'll take MySQL on FreeBSD and Access on
> Windows and ..... Tables, fields and values defined by SQL, dumpable to text
> files for different implementations (DNS vs HTTP etc...)

I'm talking about a replication scheme. It doesn't touch issues like
what you use to store your data, what protocol you use for client
access or what the data looks like (except for the fact that it's
addressed by some evenly distributed hash).

But I don't want to get into a lenghty discussion on wether this makes
sense or not. Ask me next week if I have some code, and then we'll see
if it fits the pattern or not.


"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. 
It is by the Beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, 
the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. 
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion." -- National Lampoon's "Doon"