Re: Free CDDB

Gary D. Foster (Gary.Foster nospam at Corp.Sun.COM)
10 Mar 1999 09:40:26 -0800

Ok, maybe I'm oversimplifying the problem here, but it looks to me
like all the "http" access to the CDDB is done via a CGI script... I'm
imagining it's just a simple CGI script that performs a lookup in the
local database and passes the results back in a formatted manner.

I don't think the cddbd code needs to be modified at all. Anyone have
any specs on the CGI input/output format? I've got some spare cycles
to devote to it right now (grab 'em now, while they still exist! :) )

-- Gary F.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority it is
 time to pause and reflect." -- Mark Twain