Re: Lyrics, Karaoke, ID3

Johan Pouwelse (pouwelse nospam at
Mon, 11 Oct 1999 10:37:10 +0200 (MET DST)

> Have you people who talked of these lyrics integration looked into how
> things are done in ID3v2 (I guess you have). It would indeed be nice
> to have some sort of compitability between CDindex and ID3v2 on this
> matter. (See <URL:> for more info on the format.
> Argh! One more of these hosts that I can't seem to reach today.)
The ID3v2 librairy does not contain working code to create synchonized
lyrics tags for an MP3 file. Only the specification exits in the ID3v2
standards document. This specification is wel thought out and sufficient
for extending the CDIndex with synchonized lyrics. The lib does contain
code to create simple lyrics tags, without timestamps/synchonisation.

> BTW, if you need some ID3v2 parsing/writing capabilities, I could
> always provide you with a library for doing that. I had a CVS archive
> for the library set up in Tromsų/Norway, but it seems to have gone
> offline after I moved to Germany. Bugger. If you're interested, just
> give me a ping and I'll dig it out for you.
Currently I'm working on the expat XML parser lib. I have a working
version that can read the CDIndex stuff and also the synchonised lyrics
extension from and to XML files. Do people want this stuff in CVS at the
server? Just give me write access.

If anybody (Espen?) can implement the ID3v2 synchonised lyrics into the
ID3v2lib according to the specs, that would be great! I would surely use
the ID3v2 in my OpenSource winamp plugin. (see developers
