Re: Generalized rather than just CD

Jared (slake nospam at
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 16:50:17 -0600

At 04:11 PM 12/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I am pretty sure that as soon as Napster was sued, an open-soruce
>equivalent popped into existence. You may want to look a bit.
>You've got a great idea that could be applicable to the CDIndex, but I
>think it would only use the CDIndex DTD, not the database itself.

Yeah there is at least one open-source equivalent....which quickly got
thrown out the window as it was developing a protocol over the irc
protocol. I helped with it and there were many problems. Where can I get
the CDIndex DTD I saw someone mention it on here a couple days ago.
