Re: Broken again :(

robert nospam at
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 15:51:05 -0800 (PST)

On 8 Dec, Johan Pouwelse wrote:
>> All the edit stuff on CDindex is broken ATM :(
> Several perl stuff returns errors/warmings.

I'm going to jump in right now and fix that. I've finally caught up my
stuff from being gone for a couple of weeks. I'm going to make a pass
over the entire source code and clean up any problems/warnings that I
can find. Then I'm going to go back and answer the backlog of messages
from the past few days.

> When adding lyrics/subtitling support to the server I've corrected a
> few other errors/warmings.

Are you adding lyrics support so that the actual lyrics will be stored
in the CD Index server? If so, that's not a good idea. If we do that,
the RIAA will shut us down faster than you can say 'Napster'.

We should seriously consider working to link the CD Index to the
internatinal lyrics server at These folks have
already had a rumble and a resoltion with the RIAA (or some such
legal-screwballs-body) The two guys (I forget their names now) had
expressed interest in working in the CD Index when I was first starting
to work on the index.

--ruaok Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- robert nospam at