Re: Generalized rather than just CD

Jared (slake nospam at
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 11:49:26 -0600

>For instance, right now we have a SHA1 key for every CD, which contains
>multiple tracks. An MP3 typically is only one track, so do you refer to
>an MP3 of track 3 of a given CD as ivDFb2Tw6HzN.XdYZFj5zr1Q9EY-:3 or do
>you give it a seperate id?
>Also, there are MP3s that have never been on a CD, so how do you come up
>with a meaningful SHA1 key? Random data which then gets hashed? The
>title of the track?

The idea you list above about listing the mp3 as track 3 of a given cd, is
one route. If the mp3 have never been on a cd , take maybe the first 5 and
the last 5 seconds of that song and use them to generate a SHA1 key. This
is just one of those things that I'm still deciding on, as however I go I
have to make sure it'll work for other people too. Any suggestions and
comments on this are welcome.
