Re: cdindex / freecddb

Kyle R. Rose (krose nospam at
09 Mar 1999 12:47:05 -0500

Jason Dale Woodward <jdw nospam at> writes:

> Hey kyle, is freecddb-developer a mail alias for you, or is it a list?
> Rob here is working on the same thing (cdindex,
> I think it would be great if you guys
> combined efforts.

It's a mailing list I set up yesterday. We're in the process of
figuring out which way to go with this. I'm a bit wary about moving
everyone over to the cdindex server, because Rob seems to already have
a mindset about how he wants to approach this, whereas others
(including myself) want to hash out the format in more detail before
actually putting anything up.

We have the chance to produce something really great here, so I'd
rather not implicitly give preference to any one proposal at this
time. Other than that, it seems to be going pretty well so far. I'm
really surprised at how many people are interested in doing this.
It's been quite satisfying so far. =)


Kyle R. Rose                      "They can try to bind our arms,
Laboratory for Computer Science    But they cannot chain our minds
MIT NE43-309, 617-253-5883             or hearts..."                           Stratovarius
krose nospam at                              Forever Free