Re: CDIN pages, working code, and protocol

Kyle R. Rose (krose nospam at
09 Mar 1999 12:56:52 -0500

> If that's the only change required, then fair enough I suppose. I haven't
> got a DVD, but presumably it too is composed of tracks (which have a track
> index number), and have a title and optional artist. How does this differ
> from the "spec" (please notice the quotes :-) that we already have?

That's not what I meant. A DVD is divided into multiple "titles,"
each of which are divided into "tracks." So, for instance, on most
DVD's, "title 2" is the copyright information and studio logo, where
"title 1" contains the entire movie, separated into tracks.


Kyle R. Rose                      "They can try to bind our arms,
Laboratory for Computer Science    But they cannot chain our minds
MIT NE43-309, 617-253-5883             or hearts..."                           Stratovarius
krose nospam at                              Forever Free