Gary D. Foster (Gary.Foster nospam at Corp.Sun.COM)
09 Mar 1999 10:35:56 -0800

>>>>> "JB" == Jeffrey Baker <jwb nospam at> writes:

JB> Well, for us unix-heads, there is a nice lib-xml. The GNOME
JB> project is using it successfully.

I'm thinking more along the lines of a library to do all the lookup
and parsing... something along the lines of a set of function calls to
actually generate a query (as well as a submission) that return a
pointer to a struct which contains all the CD information. That way,
player developers don't have to code all the actual parsing or lookups
at all, they just push a button, the library calls initiate the http
(or whatever) connect and return the data. They just go off and use

-- Gary F.

  "A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and quietly 
   strangled."                     Bennett Cocks, 1973