Re: Reality Check and Ideas

Alan Cox (alan nospam at
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 18:16:43 -0500 (EST)

> DNS is hierarchical organized, CDs are not. The way Message IDs are
> used in NNTP to distribute and access news articles is much closer to
> what is needed for CDs than DNS is.

Sorry to piss in your bucket but

NNTP is a flood fill scheme with no expiry other than time, no replication,
no control of distribution pattern

DNS is [buzzword hat on] a highly scalable replicating database with extensive
caching including optional negative caches fault tolerance and load balancing

If it can handle all the porn sites in the world it can handle cddb. In
fact I've got a mini proof of concept working already

You query for

AA.BB.CC.DD.[somedomain] for a TXT record

Where AA BB CC DD are the codes computed with the GPL licensed (and thus
indisputably clean) reference code.

The hash is fairly even so you can delegate multiple master servers for
DD=1 DD=2 etc when the system goes large

DNS also goes through firewalls nicely.

Final proof this is all sane - my test code is a shell script.
