Re: Responding to your CDDB Inquiries (fwd)

Mike Oliphant (oliphant nospam at
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 23:24:46 +0000 (GMT)

> >>>>> "JK" == Jim Kinney <jk nospam at> writes:
> JK> Point of order. The hacker community did not create CDDB.
> JK> Two very hard working engineers, Steve Schert and Ti Kan, put
> JK> their blood, sweat, and tears into making the service. Any
> JK> claim that the hacker community created the service is total
> JK> bull.

I missed the original message from Jim, so I'm responding to a quote, but
I couldn't let this pass. XMCD and the original CDDB server were released
under the GPL. Why would people give their code away for free? Because
they were part of the hacker community. Because they wanted to give back
to a community that had supported them, and had provided them with a rich
computing environment. That's why I write free software, and despite the
fact that a sellout occured at some point, I firmly believe that this is
why Ti and Steve did their inital work.
