1:40am dukat [~] >web dogma
dog.ma n \'dog-m*, 'dag-\
pl dogmas dog.ma.ta \-m*t-*\
[L dogmat-, dogma, fr. Gk, fr. dokein to seem]
1 a : something held as an established opinion; esp
: a definite authoritative tenet
b : a code of such tenets [pedagogical ~]
c : a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative
without adequate grounds
-- Ring around the Internet, | Peter Bierman <pmb nospam at pez.com> Packet with a bit not set | http://www.mycds.com/pmb/ SYN ACK SYN ACK, |"Nobody realizes that some people expend We all go down. | tremendous energy merely to be normal."-Al Camus