Proposal for fields in DB

Ian Clarke (I.Clarke nospam at
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 20:08:19 +0000

Here is a list of fields that I think should be supported in the
database at a minimum, this is not a final suggestion, just something
that we can work from, none of these fields are compulsory (except maybe
the title), but most of them can be repeated and this will be handled in
a sensible way:

CD ID - Identifier of CD
Artist Name - Name of the artist, may be repeated for multiple artists
CD Title - Title of CD
Release date - Date of release, format of this field should allow for
uncertainty as to the exact day or date, but permit those
details if nescessary
Genre - Genre of CD, should we some up with some reccomended
genres or leave
that to the public?
Track(n) - Title of track N
Track(l,m,n) - Titles of tracks l, m, and n
Track(l-n) - Titles of tracks l to n
Hyperlink - Related hyperlink, should be in <A HREF="">..</A> format
so that a
comment can be included.
Author - Name and email address of submitter
Date - Date this data was entered
lyrics(n) - Lyrics of track n (perhaps in HTML format?)

Further suggestions invited...


Ian Clarke                           
       "A subversive is anyone who can out-argue their government"