Re: CD Index Update

Nick Lamb (njl98r nospam at
Mon, 12 Apr 1999 21:41:00 +0100 (BST)

On Fri, 9 Apr 1999 robert nospam at wrote:

> I've made quite a few changes to the pages in the last few days. I just
> uploaded them and also moved everything over to the more permanent
> home. The official home page for the CD Index project is now:

Uh, yeah. So I noticed. Connect to, and send
GET /cgi-bin/cdi/

Which will tell you that it's moved... to

I know this is perfectly acceptable HTTP, but it means that I now need
much more extensive HTTP support to have this work sensibly. As it is
I'll just kludge it for now.

> The submission clients that still reference will
> still work. [snip]

Unfortunately this isn't true. My client isn't a web browser, so it treats
the temporarily moved (liar) redirect as a permanent failure. I have made
version 0.3 available, which appears to fix this trouble.

> Here is a list of the problems that I fixed in the server pages:
> 2) I removed the duplicate detection algorithm -- it was too simple
> minded. I'll write a server side script that will do this.

A duplicate could be merged IFF all the "content" data for the two CDs
is the same. This way we know that users will never notice a merge,
since the data they receive is the same before and after. CDDB seems to
do merges on this basis (there are no two CDs with the same title &
artist, same track names in CDDB).
With such a system in force, to merge a power-user need merely Edit
the least-accurate version to match the more accurate one, and the CDs
will merge automagically when the script is next run.

> 4) The multiple artists CD title in is no longer blank.

Thanks! One less mysterious bug when exploring XML
