Yup, very much so.
> Also, cdcd (see Freshmeat) now supports CDindex so it should presumably
> be linked to on the Downloads page from the CDindex site. Unsurprisingly
> this uses autoconf to find out ENDIAN. (I use Glib because I have a GTK+
> dependency anyway)
Marc van Woerkom has taken over the client development. He is in the
process of checking in the latest code to CVS. The latest version
should include source for win32, linux, freebsd and irix. He said that
the source should be available in CVS sometime this week, or early next
Stay tuned.
--ruaok Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing
Robert Kaye -- robert nospam at moon.eorbit.net http://moon.eorbit.net/~robert