I just placed the server source code to version 0.3.0 on
http://www.cdindex.org. The changes for the 0.3.0 version include:
- Browserless submission support.
- Data import support.
- minor bug fixes
- extended XML lookup/search features
- If a client sends the TOC on a 'get' call and the CD was not found,
the 'CD Not Found' page will print a link to submission page.
I've also updated the web pages on the server. I've broken a few pages
down into separate pages to organize things better, and I've added a
page to the 'howto' section that describes the browserless submission
Please note that the browserless submission is stil in beta and is not
active on the main server. This is to protect the data on the main
server from getting corrupted. Please download the server source and
follow the instructions in the README on how to set up a staging server
that has the data from the main server.
I'll be headed off to vacation in a couple of days -- I will attempt to
answer my email, but please don't be upset if you don't get an answer
--ruaok Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing
Robert Kaye -- robert nospam at moon.eorbit.net http://moon.eorbit.net/~robert