Re: A bit OT: Problem setting up Apache w/ cgi (perl)

Austin Goudge (austin nospam at
Sun, 2 May 1999 23:49:11 +0100


Thanks for the reply.

On 2/5/99, you wrote:
>One obstacle is that you have to teach Windows somehow to execute
> through the perl interpreter.

Hmm, I had a feeling that was something to do with it. Still haven't
cracked it though...

>Before, I would ensure that it is possible to execute a batch file
>at all.
>Put some neilarmstrong.bat in your cgi-bin/cdi directory that does
>nothing more than generate some friendly html:
> echo "Content-type: text/html"
> echo ""
> echo "<h1>Gnorts, Earthling!</h1>"
>And if you can see this - try the problem of executing through
>perl instead of cmd.exe next.

Yup, the .bat works fine (slightly edited). The perl files work fine
from the command line, they just won't spawn through Apache.


Austin Goudge
Psycle Interactive Ltd.
[mailto:austin nospam at]