Re: CD index DTD weird

Sander van Zoest (sander nospam at
Tue, 8 Jun 1999 06:34:35 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 30 May 1999 robert nospam at wrote:

> > Good luck with the CDIndex project (I wonder if PHP3 or Zend are not
> > better tools to write the DB interfaces with...)
> Thanks -- I used to use PHP, but it ended up being too slow (that was
> before they sped it up 100 fold). Since then I've gotten converted to
> the Perl... But, what is Zend?

I'd suggest sticking to perl, c/c++, python or java :) These languages
are more widely supported and have a much richer library for parsing
DTD among other things. PHP3 and Zend are useful and serve their purpose,
but I do not suggest putting a huge load on them. They aren't very
portable and have database specific logic unlike the more generic
alternatives such as DBI and JDBC.

Sander van Zoest                                             sander nospam at, Inc.                                                (619) 320-2112
The 21st Century Music Company.