Re: Using C++ and STL

robert nospam at
Sun, 27 Jun 1999 11:28:59 -0700 (PDT)

On 27 Jun, Stephen van Egmond wrote:
> Someone pointed out that some developers might not feel comfortable
> using C++ and the STL. Is this a current concern?

I don't think it is so much an issue of people feeling comfortable with
STL/C++ as much as it is an issue of STL/C++ availability on all the
target platforms. There are still platforms out there where templates
are not quite stable.

The CD Index client library should compile on as many systems as
possible in order to make the propagation of the CD Index system as
easy as possible. Since we've chosen a BSD style license for the client
portion, I would think that straight C would be the best answer.

>From a developers perspective, I really hate that. From a 'product
managers' perspective, its the right thing to do. If you feel very
adamant about using C++, then I would suggest using C++ without the STL
internally, but still providing a C wrapper for the functionality of
the library.

I could provide you with some list/vector/string classes that will work
on the most brain-dead implementations of C++ templates, to ease the

> Is there any work going on on the client library, or am I cutting new
> ground here?

I believe Marc has started working on that. Marc is in charge of the
client side of the project. Marc, what are your thoughts?

--ruaok Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- robert nospam at