Re: cdindex under solaris

robert nospam at
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 09:48:25 -0700 (PDT)

On 30 Jun, Nick Lamb wrote:

> Someone needs to discover what's in the TOC on Solaris/Sparc and decide
> how we get CDindex-like TOC data instead of... whatever that was
> Whoever does this MUST use a CD they know is already in CDindex, so they
> can be sure they know the /right/ TOC data is coming out.

I'm sure I can find a CD that I no longer care about, enter it into the
CD Index and then mail the CD to the Solaris porter in question...

--ruaok Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- robert nospam at