Hmmmm. I'm jealous -- but then again, I can't complain. Prancing around
the california coast for the 4th of July was quite a bit of fun...
> And I would like to know what is more naturally:
> a time display in minutes:seconds.frames (1 frame = 1/75 s)
> or minutes:seconds.hundreth-seconds
Depends -- are lay people ever going to see this format? If so, I'd
vote for the latter. If not, the former.
> Plus we have os-dependent choice of the leadout track in
> case of multisession CDs (CD+, CD Extra).
> NT gives me the audio session (=1st) leadout,
> FreeBSD gives me the CD-ROM data sesssion (=2nd) leadout.
I'd hate to side with NT, but that sounds right.
--ruaok Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing
Robert Kaye -- robert nospam at