Re: Is cdindex being developed at all

robin nospam at
Sat, 18 Sep 1999 01:00:50 +0100

On Fri, 17 Sep 1999 10:36:16 -0700 "Robert Kaye" <robert nospam at> wrote:
> Do people feel that this project is worth continuing?
Absolutely. Most people are probably like me---I contributed some
ideas in the early stages, and tried out a few ambitious schemes,
but soon realised I didn't have enough time to write things the way
I wanted in one go. There were too many ideas floating about and too
much arguing from principles, not practical code. I kept reading, but
not contributing. Recently I started fiddling with cdindex again as I
was updating my mp3 archive.

> Every time I add a new
> feature it seems that I get emails from people telling me that it is not
> good enough or not enough and more features are needed. ...
Now that you have shown the way and written something that is useful and
can be seen working, it is it is possible for others to try it out and
criticize it. It can be disheartening to hear criticism, but you have
the perfect retort for such people: ``If you don't like it, fix it!''.

eSk wrote:
> BTW, I don't like the idea of providing a general cdi_lib interface in
> C++. A regular C interface is preferred if cdindex is going to be
> integrated into other applications (which probably is the whole idea
> of having cdindex in the first place).
I couldn't see the point of C++ here either, so I converted the cdi_client
stuff to C. My modified version runs through the qa tests, but as I
only have linux I can't say for sure if I have done the right thing for
all platforms. The changes were pretty simple though. I updated from
CVS files earlier this evening so there should be no inconsistencies if
Robert would check my changes back in (or give me write access so I can).
The whole directory is at:

I'd be happy to have a stab at the library interface too.


R.M.O'Leary <robin nospam at> +44 7010 7070 44, PO Box 20, Swansea SA2 8YB, UK