Re: Why not persue both? (Was RE: XML)

Gary D. Foster (Gary.Foster nospam at Corp.Sun.COM)
09 Mar 1999 10:45:52 -0800

>>>>> "JC" == Jordan Christensen <jordan.christensen nospam at> writes:

JC> Wouldn't it be worthwhile to support the efforts of the
JC> cdindex project, if not only to build up a new database? While
JC> that is progressing, the members of this list and the freecddb
JC> list can brainstorm on the best way to proceed. Whether we end
JC> up using a CDDB-style output, or an XML based one, or what
JC> ever, is largely irrelevant. In the end, they are just
JC> presentation formats.

I'd be happy to do that, except someone didn't believe in coding for
non-linux OS's and I happen to use solaris. If I can spare some time
today, I'll tear apart the code and see if I can put something
portable together, in the meantime I (and thousands of others) can't
contribute to the index.

Coding specifically for linux and excluding all other OS's is
just as bad as coding specifically for windows.

-- Gary F.