Re: Reality Check and Ideas

Alan Cox (alan nospam at
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 08:54:39 -0500 (EST)

> I agree with all the good points that Alan Cox has raised in favor of DNS, but I
> really don't like the idea of sharing the load with the millions of other
> queries being done daily; The DNS can be slow on some days. Why would we want
> to use a heavily loaded system to query *before* we can begin to listen to our
> music?

That depends on your DNS server (you can run one remember), the number of
freeddb servers - just add more its easy.

> be a http->dns gateway and perhaps several servers... but then the client needs
> to understand two protocols now, and the developers may just opt for one, the
> common ground, HTTP, defeating the end-goals of DNS.

You need an http gateway. Realistically however the DNS based setup will
be cleaner and faster. You do a DNS lookup just to find the http site.
And if the http method proves the one everybody uses then fine.

We have a pile of already existing wheels it has almost no cost to try