Re: The competition (CDDB2)

Michael Kaiser (kaiser nospam at
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 21:39:46 +0000


Quoting Stephen van Egmond <svanegmond nospam at>:
> Julia Klein wrote:
> > This also gives us a leg up -- CDDB is notoriouslz difficult to work with and their licenses suck (as you decribed above) Rather than switching to CDDB2 and dealing with a new license I hope that the CD player folks will switch to the CD Index since it should be easier and there will be no need for any license with us.
> A great idea. But we need a library we can use... yesterday. Call a
> function, get an XML or a struct back that describes the CD. It's not
> there yet.

I know it's hard to accept, but the success of comes from
a "let's do it now"-attitude.
So let's work out a protocol that's a) better than cddb2 and b) is
capable of extensions without being incompatible to older formats.
What cdindex and freedb needs, is a FAST response, as I think many
people jumped off, because there hasn't been a big leap towards
new features after the first wave of discusson has flattend (got
what I mean?)

Lets try to work out some routines that cdindex and freedb can deal
with as an inport and than SHARE it with as many progammers as
possible. Naturally, improvements will follow, which fits the need
of a working model.

> Shall I revive the "let's design an API" discussions?
> /Steve

Michael Kaiser
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