Re: Some suggestions about the protocol

robin nospam at
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 15:48:44 GMT

On Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 08:06:49 -0700 Matthew Mastracci
<mmastrac nospam at> wrote:
> The only really good thing about the CDDB protocol is that it allows a
> disc which almost matches the ID to be picked out, just in case there
> are multiple versions of a disc with different properties.
Wouldn't it be better to first send the checksum as now to see if there is
an exact match, then as a fallback send the whole TOC for fuzzy matching?
The largest possible TOC is still only a couple of hundred bytes.
The fuzzy matching needs to be done on the server unless we can come
up with a good ``fuzzy hash'' function, and I'm sure that giving the
server the TOC information would significantly improve the accuracy of
subsequent matches.


R.M.O'Leary <robin nospam at> +44 7010 7070 44, PO Box 20, Swansea SA2 8YB, UK