Re: [cdin] ** TIME FOR A PLAN **

Greg Stein (gstein nospam at
Thu, 11 Mar 1999 04:10:49 -0800

Schuetz, David wrote:
> ...
> 1 Organize into sub-groups of interest.
> I said the other day that I think there are really four or
> five parts to this project. I suggest we split into the
> following groups (with associated mailing lists):
> * Database (cdin-db) - focuses on the database, its content,
> and its storage issues. Selects hashing algorithm.
> * Server (cdin-server) - focuses on the server software, and
> interfaces to clients, database, other servers
> * Client Protocol (cdin-protocol) - focuses on server/client
> data protocols (the XML crowd)
> * Distribution Protcol (cdin-distro) - focuses on server to
> server communication, db synchronization, etc.
> * Reference Client (cdin-client) - focuses on creating a new
> (or modifying an existing) app for major (windows, linux, etc.)
> platforms to demonstrate all features of new system. Develops
> standard local storage system (so compliant apps can share
> local data). [can we work with Notify CD, that's my fav... :-)]

IMO, I think the db, server, and distro areas should be handled as a
unit. They all basically deal with what happens on the server side. The
client is the other chunk, and the proto connects them.

I have set up three new mailing lists: cdin-server, cdin-proto,
and cdin-client.

If people feel that cdin-db and cdin-distro are needed, then I'll set
them up. I'd recommend against going overboard, though, and defer that
choice for later (if/when the server traffic is too much).

You can access all the mailing lists at:

Personally, I don't think that I'll cross-post between the cdin mailing
lists (otherwise, why split them?). However, some cross-posting to the
cdindex and freecddb-developer lists will probably be needed. My
preference will be to direct traffic from the general lists (cdin,
cdindex, and freecddb-developer) to the specific lists whenever

Each mailing list has its own archive, accessible via the list's info
page (URL referenced above).

> 2 Develop a timeline or plan of attack

I think we should just start working. When stuff gets completed, it is
completed. Timelines really don't work in "free time" projects of this
nature, and only serve as milestones to not be met :-)

> 3 Select coordinators for each group
> Someone should coordinate efforts for all the groups. The wouldn't
> be "in charge" or "moderators" per se, but rather someone to try
> and collect ideas, sort through them, make sure the specs are
> written in a clear, concise manner, and that nobody's contributions
> are lost in the chaos.
> Ideally, they would produce a summary of work, maybe every few days,
> for posting to the main devel groups (cdin, etc.), and posting
> on the web page.
> I re-volunteer, as I did Monday (or tuesday, I forget) to be the
> stuckee--er, coordinator--for the DB group.

I've set up three areas on for the server, client,
and proto stuff. I can easily enable each area for DAV to let the
coordinator manage those pages (so I don't have to work as hard :-).

Now we just need volunteers for the three areas. David: do you want the
server stuff? :-) I've already got a request out to Mike Oliphant for
the client side. I've got no ideas for the protocol stuff (but will fill
in if/until somebody volunteers).


Greg Stein,