Using a WWW browser forclient I/O

Marc van Woerkom (van.woerkom nospam at
Sat, 1 May 1999 14:04:14 +0200 (CEST)

> No, just use the URL as if it were the name of a program, in WinExec iirc.

Daniel, I can only guess what you mean - iirc sounds like the name of a
Win32 IRC client - do you suggest using it as a means to control the

It is amazing that there is (or I am not aware of) a simple way
for most platforms for the client to tell the browser it should
display a different page.

The control flow of the client is like this right now:




client <-> browser

(launch) (request, display)

Of course we could control the browser from the client via the server,
either directly by sending different content or by inderectly by talking
to a Java applet (these are allowed to some tricks):



^ ^
browser / \
cmds v v

client <-> browser

(launch) (request, display)
