Submission code on main server

robert nospam at
Tue, 18 May 1999 10:30:19 -0700 (PDT)

I've gotten some requests to make the submission code available on the
main server. My response to that is:

1) I'd like to see that ASAP, but largely I need some feedback from
people who have worked with it. Does it seem stable? Are there any
bugs? I haven't heard much other than some people have gotten it to
work. But, there have got to be some bugs, right?

2) The duplication detection code in not in place. I need to write a
real duplication algorithm that will compare every aspect of a record
and make an intelligent decision as to the record being a duplicate.
This work will also lead into a 'glom' function that will take two
records on merge them. For instance, if two of the same records, but
with different TOCs have been entered onto two different servers, then
the two records should be merged into one. Not a trivial task.

3) Also with the web page submission we have an interactive submission
process. Send some info, the server does some searches and present the
user with found items. The user either makes an association or enters
the data new. This process is not present in the current
browserless submission scheme. What do we do about that? I am hesitant
to duplicate these features from the web pages -- I have spent a great
amount of effort to make the web pages as easy and intuitive to work
with. I don't really want to do it again for the non-browser submission
mode. Thoughts?

The good news is that once I am happy with the browserless submission
process it should be pretty easy to get data replication working.

[BTW: We can now have people reference this list at cdindex nospam at]

--ruaok Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- robert nospam at