Re: Reality Check and Ideas

Tim P. Gerla (timg nospam at
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 16:56:48 -0600

On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 12:41:26AM +0100, Andreas Bogk wrote:
> "Tim P. Gerla" <timg nospam at> writes:
> > * Please, let's not overengineer the project. KISS! (keep it simple, stupid)
> Yes, sounds like a typical candidate for the Second System Effect.
> It just occured to me that one could use NNTP to distribute and query
> the database, just specify a mapping between MD5-hashes (or whatever)
> and message IDs, create an alt newsgroup, and disable the expiry on
> dedicated servers for that group. How many CDs are out there? More
> than the average number of postings on a news server at any given
> time?
Just had a stroke of genius (with a lot of help from other places, give me
no credit)

Why not use DNS? It's already there. It's scalable, distributed, workable
over proxies, etc. All you have to do is %-encode the data stream. Just like
reverse lookups..

Lookup 0d0d0d0d or whatever, grab the info.

Any DNS people here? I don't know much about BIND and so on.

timg nospam at |

Once you had gold...once you had silver Then came the rains...out of the blue Ever and always...always and ever Time gave both darkness and dreams to you -Enya