Re: Reality Check and Ideas

Alan Cox (alan nospam at
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 19:25:51 -0500 (EST)

> There is an interesting issue though. Will ISP's and campus IT department
> want their DNS caches filling up with cddb info? What will it do to the hit
> rate on the cache... Normally, those top 100 dns lookup occur A LOT
> (, or or even the new
> :)... Will the same hold true with cddb data lookups (ie, will
> there be a good hit rate on the cached data, or do people listen to too many
> different things...) Of course, this isn't ACTUALLY that big a problem,
> because the number of cddb data requests per day is likely to be minescule
> when compared to the number of DNS lookups being performed... But it makes
> for some interesting thoughts.

They wont notice it. If it caches the latest mega hit CD every customer is
playing its still a win to them. Caching saves bandwidth either way.