Re: Responding to your CDDB Inquiries (fwd)

Benjamin Pflugmann (philemon nospam at
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 07:41:40 +0100 (CET)


> 3) Instead of requiring developers to pay a royalty for our service, we have
> elected to offer a royalty-free "trade" type of relationship. We provide
> developers of applications access to our service and in return, developers
> agree to authorize our Agreement, acknowledge the CDDB brand when the
> service is accessed, and provide a click-thru button on the user interface
> of their application. We have been made aware of limitations associated
> with text-based applications as it relates to the branding and click-thru
> requirements -- this was good feedback that we received and we will be
> altering our Agreement in order to accommodate text-based apps.

I am sad, that you do not seem to understand or simply ignore it:
The main objection against your license your try to get a monopoly for
your service by forbidding connections to other servers.



The opinions expressed herin are my own and not nescessarily (but most
probably :-) the ones of my employer.