Re: Duplicate removal

Julia Klein (robert nospam at
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 20:19:21 +0100

[This is Rob borrowing mz friends computer9

> I am not dead!

> Hopefully this project isn't dead either, so here is a Perl script which
> when run by the administrator of a working CDindex server should tell
> them how many duplicates could be merged by a future version of the same
> script.

The project is not dead -- as a matter of fact I met (for the first time) Marc VanWoerkcom in Cologne two days ago. We laid the groundword for a library that will make it easier for someone to add CD Index support to a player.

I personally need to finish off the next rev of FreeAmp before Dec 10th. After that I am going to try to convince my boss to spend some time on the CD Index. At that time I'll check out your script and test it on the large staging server I have running at home.

So, there will be some progress before the year is out.
