A couple of points

Ian Clarke (I.Clarke nospam at ed.ac.uk)
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 19:31:18 +0000

I can't believe the enthusiasm with which people are offering their help
with this project, its really amazing!

I have noticed that this list is getting almost 1 email every 3 or 4
minutes. I think we must try to keep the signal to noise ratio as
reasonable as possible though by keeping posts relevant, and if possible
replying to existing threads rather than creating new ones.

We need to answer some questions though. On this list are we discussing
what has already been done in the cdindex project, or are we talking
about something completely new? What is the story with the free-cddb
mailing list? Who is the cddb.com spy? ;-)

Keep those creative juices flowing!


Ian Clarke                                    
       "A subversive is anyone who can out-argue their government"