Re: Responding to your CDDB Inquiries (fwd)

Kyle R. Rose (krose nospam at
09 Mar 1999 14:41:48 -0500

> Taking the hint from something I saw in /. today, we should really
> discuss a license for the data we are about to gather, in order to
> prevent more harming to the community.

I have serious doubts about the legality of GPLing a protocol; nor do
I think we should. I'll get to the actual data in a moment.

As I said yesterday, the library code should be distributed under a
non-viral license. That means LGPL at the very least, up to BSD minus
the advertisement clause at the most ideal. Remember that a lot of
players are not open source, but we still want them to adopt this
protocol. It's the lesser of two evils, right?

As for the data... well, arguably, the CDDB entries aren't Escient's
property anyway, as they don't own the copyrights to the album or song
titles. What they can copyright is the _anthology_, i.e., the
formatted collection that makes up the CDDB.

So, ideally, what we need is a copyleft license which mandates that
any changes to the database be made publicly available.


Kyle R. Rose                      "They can try to bind our arms,
Laboratory for Computer Science    But they cannot chain our minds
MIT NE43-309, 617-253-5883             or hearts..."                           Stratovarius
krose nospam at                              Forever Free